St. Vincent’s: Honoria Conway-Heather tenant, family & visitor guide
An overview for tenants, families and visitors of St. Vincent’s: Honoria Conway-Heather assisted living.
Visiting hours
Visitors are welcome at Honoria Conway, and there are no restrictions on visiting hours. We ask you to please keep any noise down after 10 p.m. You may stay in your friend or family member’s apartment for up to 14 days (consecutive or non-consecutive) in any 12-month period.
There are two loading spaces at the front entry to the building. This area is not intended for long-term visitor parking. There is more parking for tenants and visitors on the building's north side. You can reach it by using the stairs or the city sidewalk. Parking is free when spaces are available.
Building entry
For entry, push the button associated with the tenant you wish to visit at the front entrance. The tenant’s telephone will ring and they will be able to open the door for you.
For the privacy and security of our tenants, Honoria Conway staff will not open the door for visitors, including family members, unless a tenant asks us to do so.
Provincial flu policy
Visiting St. Vincent's: Honoria Conway-Heather? See the BC Influenza Prevention Policy for more information visiting during flu season.
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