Holy Family Hospital Rehabilitation patient & visitor guide
An overview for patients and visitors of Holy Family Hospital.

Our team's focus is to enter into a “partnership of care” with you. We work with you to develop a treatment plan that helps you be as independent as possible. To prepare for these discussions with your rehab team, start thinking about what activities you need to manage to live at home safely.
For more information about your stay and what to expect while you are with us, visit:
Before you come
Please review this information in advance of your visit.
Know what to bring
Patients get dressed every day for active therapy and exercises.
Know your rights & responsibilities
It is important for your comfort and safety, that you know your rights and responsibilities while you are here. If anything is unclear, please ask us.
Communicating with your team
In order for us to care for you, it is important that we understand each other. If we use words or phrases that you do not understand or if we give you forms or other written materials that are not clear, please ask us to explain. If you do not speak or understand English well enough to have conversations about your health, we can book an interpreter (at no cost). For daily communication we use various tools, such as pictures and translated cards.
Questions or concerns
We are always working hard to improve our care and services. Please let us know right away if you have any concerns so we can address them as quickly as possible. If you have concerns about your daily care, please speak with the team member or the team leader (clinical nurse leader).
Non-smoking policy
For the comfort and safety of all patients, and in keeping with city bylaws, the hospital is a smoke-free building.
Outpatient services
Holy Family Hospital has services for people who stay with us as well as outpatient services for people who live at home and come to our Outpatient Rehabilitation Clinic.
Information for visitors
Contact a patient
Family gatherings
We have one or two rooms available for families to use for gatherings. Catering can be arranged through Food Services. Please ask Food Services about their charges. You are also welcome to bring your own food. After the gathering, we ask the room be left clean for the enjoyment of other residents.
Visiting with pets
Pets are also welcome visitors. We ask the owner to keep the visiting animal under control at all times. This is to ensure your pet isn't the cause of someone being hurt or falling. Pet owners are responsible for immediate clean up after the pet both within the residence and on surrounding property.
We may also have a pet or two who live in our home. Donations are welcome to pay for their food and veterinary services. If you would like to help us in caring for our pets, we would love to have you be part of our pet care team. Just let one of us know. If you have allergies to any animal, please let us know.