Holy Family Hospital Rehabilitation patient & visitor guide
An overview for patients and visitors of Holy Family Hospital.

When you are getting ready to leave the hospital, use this checklist to help with your return home:
- Ask about your care at home and make sure you understand what to do
- Ask for information in writing about how to care for yourself after you leave the hospital
- Find out about any follow-up visits with your doctor or other appointments
- Make sure you can read new prescriptions and can understand the medicine label
- Learn about the side effects for your medications
Your medications
Your medications may have changed while in hospital. When we discharge you, your hospital doctor will write a prescription for you to fill at your pharmacy. This is usually a 30-day supply. You will need to see your family health provider within one month of discharge to review your medications and get any refills.
It is important to keep taking the medications we prescribed on discharge from hospital. Make sure you do not take your previous medications unless they are the same as on your discharge prescription. If the medications are different, take your old medications back to your pharmacy for review.
Follow-up at home
You may be eligible to attend an Outpatient Therapy Program or have home care to support your rehabilitation and recovery at home. Speak to your rehab team for information.