Patient rights & responsibilities
It is important for your comfort and safety that you know your rights and responsibilities while you are here.

Safety during your stay
Safety is everyone’s responsibility
At Providence Health Care, we want to give our patients the best care. Patients who take part in their own care do better and stay safer. These simple tips will help you have a safe and positive experience at the hospital. Please take a few minutes to review these tips.
It’s important that we understand each other when we are providing you care. Please tell us if you don’t understand something. If we use words or phrases that you do not understand or if we give you forms or other written materials that are not clear, please ask us to explain.
If you do not speak or understand English well enough to have conversations about your health, we can book an interpreter (at no cost). We use tools such as pictures and translated cards in daily communication to make things easier to understand.
Access to Indigenous wellness resources and support
Providence staff asks every patient during registration if they would like to self-identify as Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, or Inuit). Our goal is to provide you with culturally safe care. If requested, we will integrate traditional practices into your care plan. Knowing how you identify is important to providing you with relevant health care services. Visit the Indigenous wellness services section for more.
HIV Testing
All patients admitted to St. Paul’s Hospital or and Mount Saint Joseph Hospital (except for those unable to provide consent) are currently offered an HIV test with their routine blood work. For more information click here.
Questions or concerns
We are always working hard to improve our care and services. Please let us know right away if you have any concerns so we can address them as quickly as possible. If you have concerns about your daily care, please speak with the team member or the team leader (clinical nurse leader). Please visit our Compliments & Complaints section for more information.
Non-Smoking policy
St. Paul’s Hospital is a smoke-free building as required by city bylaws. This helps keep our patients safe and comfortable.
Last reviewed: August 27, 2024