Having a baby

Everything you need to know about the Pregnancy, Birthing and Newborn Centre at St. Paul's Hospital.

Four babies born at St Pauls Hospital

At St. Paul’s Hospital Pregnancy, Birthing and Newborn Centre, we know that welcoming your child into the world is one of the most profound events in your life. 

Our experienced, skilled and caring staff is dedicated to making that experience positive and memorable. We are with you every step of your pregnancy and birthing journey. We offer pregnancy care, including pre-natal classes, a private birthing experience, and post-birth supports for you and your new baby.

The St. Paul’s Maternity Clinic can care for you during your pregnancy and our prenatal classes can help you prepare for the arrival of your new baby. When your baby is ready to be born, you will have your own private room where you will during your labour, birth and recovery. The small size of our unit means you will receive personal attention from our skilled staff.

We encourage your support person to stay with you, to help during labour, birthing, and after your baby is born. During your labour, family and doulas are also welcome and encouraged to be part of your birth experience if you choose. 

Before you leave the hospital, our staff will ensure you have everything you need to support your feeding choices for your baby. A lactation consultant is available for parents who choose to breast/chest feed.  Once you are home with your new baby, you can join our parent meet up groups, or participate in a breastfeeding drop-in clinic for some extra feeding support. 

  • About us

    Key information about the Pregnancy, Birthing and Newborn Centre at St. Paul's Hospital.

  • Giving birth at St. Paul's Hospital

    Information and resources to support you while giving birth at St. Paul’s Hospital.

  • Our services

    Services offered by the Pregnancy, Birthing and Newborn Centre.

  • Our team

    A multidisciplinary team will support you during your pregnancy, delivery and recovery.

  • Resources for expectant & new parents

    Materials and resources that you might find helpful.

  • Find us

    Location details and contact information for the Pregnancy, Birthing and Newborn Centre.

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