Heart Rhythm Device Clinic
- 1033 Davie Street Vancouver, BC, V6E 1M5 Get directions
Phone: 604-806-8267Fax: 604-675-2647

Education & resources
ICD Patient Education Class
Has your doctor referred you for a cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD)? Have you recently had an ICD implanted?
You are invited to a virtual information session to find out more about the implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD).
Health care providers and a person living with an ICD will provide information about:
- Why you or your family member may need an ICD
- How an ICD works
- What happens during the ICD surgery
- Living with an ICD
Go here for a brochure that lists session times.
Note that at this time, all sessions will be held using Zoom video conference.
For more information and to register:
For more information and to register, please call 604.682.2344 Extension 63749 or email Jacqueline Forman at jforman@providencehealth.bc.ca
For copies of some of these resources in French, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese or Punjabi, please visit the Cardiac Services BC page.
Last reviewed: March 14, 2025