Diabetes Health Centre

During your visit

Most initial visits can be up to two hours long. You may meet with one or more members of the health care team. Together we will discuss your individual needs and develop a plan of care that fits your needs.

Meet the team

We are a team of Certified Diabetes Educators made up of Registered Nurses, Registered Dietitians and Endocrinologists. An Endocrinologist is a diabetes doctor. We offer a variety of programs to help educate and support people living with diabetes. Our classes are taught by a Registered Nurse and/or a Registered Dietitian and can be in person or online.

Before you leave

Before you leave, make sure you know if there are any next steps following your appointment:

  • Do you have any bloodwork requisitions to take with you?
  • Do you need a follow-up appointment? If you do, did you book one or have a plan to book it?
  • Did you get all your questions answered?

Last reviewed: June 17, 2024