Our facilities & locations
Learn more about our wide variety of facilities in multiple locations.

Providence Health Care operates 18 facilities in British Columbia including hospitals, clinics, long-term care homes, assisted living facilities, and hospices.
Our flagship is St. Paul's Hospital located in downtown Vancouver. Providence will open the new St. Paul's Hospital and health campus in 2027, just three kilometres away on Station Street. It's the largest health care capital project in our province's history.
Living in B.C.
As you consider joining Providence Health Care, we want to showcase the enriching experience of working in this vibrant coastal province and the support we provide for staff relocating here.
Our hospitals
Our hospitals are hubs of innovation and caring, attracting talent worldwide.
Our long-term care facilities
Our long-term care facilities attract compassionate and innovative individuals hoping to be part of the global transformation of seniors' care.
Our community-based services
Working with, and in, your community.
Our hospices
Our hospices are special places staffed by special people.
Our facilities in development
Expect room to grow when you join Providence Health Care.