
An overview of the services psychologists provide at Providence Health Care.


Registered clinical psychologists and registered neuropsychologists use evidence-based interventions. They provide assessment, treatment, and consultation services to patients, residents and clients at Providence Health Care.

Our integrated care model offers direct access to mental and behavioural health care services. Psychologists are part of a collaborative health care team. They work with you to achieve your health care goals. They can provide support for a range of issues from short-term personal situations to chronic conditions.

Our psychologists provide services in the following key areas: 

Neuropsychologists work with medical and mental health teams. They offer evaluation of cognitive, behavioural, social, and emotional functioning of identified patients. Psychologists do clinical research and help develop and assure effective care in programs. They also teach and supervise.  

Two people seated and talking in a room

What to expect

What happens when you meet a psychologist?

Before your session

You may need to fill out forms that ask about how you've been feeling over the last few weeks. They may also ask about your ability to complete certain tasks. This helps the doctor get an initial idea of what kinds of support you need. 

The reception team will let you know what time to arrive so that you can complete this paperwork. If you need a translator to complete these forms, let the reception team know when they book you for your first appointment. 

During your session

The first session will be about an hour or a little longer. You can talk about your difficulties and ask any questions. The psychologist will ask about other parts of your life to get a fuller picture of your situation. They also will discuss available treatment options. You won’t have to talk about anything that you are not ready for or are not comfortable to share. At the end of the first meeting, you and the psychologist will decide together whether more sessions might be useful. 

After the first meeting, your sessions will be about 50 minutes. The focus of these sessions will vary depending on your specific challenges, but might include:

  • Learning more about your mental health and related medical condition (e.g., mental health concerns impacting a physical illness)
  • Identifying the ways you experience stress
  • Making connections between thoughts, feelings and behaviors
  • Learning skills to calm the body and mind
  • Learning how to assert yourself, and address relationship problems
  • Spotting unhelpful ways of thinking and developing new, more helpful thoughts
  • Understanding emotions, when to act on the emotion or decrease it using psychological skills
  • Help you overcome avoidance, fear, overwhelming past experiences and other obstacles  
  • Identifying what’s important to you, and how you want to live your life more fully 

After your session

The sessions aim to help you cope better day-to-day. For therapy to be useful, you need to spend a little bit of time every day practicing at home. Your team may suggest resources you can use on your own, like a workbook or video. Some people also need services such as couples therapy, family work, psychiatric consultation or a support group of people with similar experiences. If you need more support, the psychologist will provide community service or private practice recommendations. 

Services provided 

What kind of psychology services are available? 

  • Psychodiagnostic, cognitive and behavioral assessments
  • Short-term individual therapy
  • Seminar-based cognitive behavior therapy skills groups
  • Therapist-assisted online therapy
  • Video assisted consultation (1 to 2 sessions)  

Talk to the psychologist about which option might work best for you.

Support for Indigenous Peoples

The Indigenous Wellness Liaison Team is here to support your health journey. Team members offer cultural support and healthcare advocacy. Learn more below or call them at 604-682-2344,62937 or email

  • Indigenous wellness services

    The Indigenous Wellness Team at Providence is available to support Indigenous patients and their families. We are here to coordinate culturally safe wellness supports and services.