Hearing loss

An overview of Providence Health Care's services and resources for patients with hearing loss.


Hearing loss can occur when any part of the pathway of the ear does not work correctly. 

How the ear works

The ear is composed of 3 parts: outer ear, middle ear and inner ear.

Types of hearing loss

Hearing loss can occur when any part of the pathway of the ear does not work correctly.

Treatment & management

Hearing aids are typically recommended to improve hearing in patients with conductive hearing losses (that cannot be corrected medically or surgically) and for patients with sensorineural hearing losses. Current hearing aid technology is significantly better than previous generations and has resulted in functional improvements for hearing impaired patients.  However, when hearing loss deteriorates to the point where hearing aids provide limited to no benefit, then consideration for a cochlear implant may be appropriate.

Clinical trials & research

Advances in treatments are all thanks to medical research. While participating in research is a decision you should make for yourself in consultation with your care team, there is much activity in this area so please ask us about our research programs if you’re interested.

By taking part in research, you can help us all learn more about advancing health outcomes and find better ways to help people live and thrive. While you cannot assume benefit to yourself, your participation can make a difference in improving care for future patients.

The following clinical trials are currently enrolling volunteers. Please ask your care team for more information or contact the research team listed on each study or trial. For other information about research at Providence Health Care, please visit Providence Research.

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Last reviewed: August 13, 2024