Colposcopy Clinic
- 1081 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1Y6 Get directions
Phone: 604-806-8772Fax: 604-806-8680

After you leave
- You may experience mild vaginal bleeding or discharge. You need to wear a light pantyliner for 24 to 48 hours after your procedure. We will provide these liners to you.
- We recommend that you take over-the-counter painkiller medicines for one to two days.
- Make sure you know your required follow up. You should contact us if you have not received specific instructions.
- You may experience mild vaginal bleeding or discharge. You need to wear pads for one to two weeks after your procedure.
- You should rest for 24 hours after your procedure.
- We recommend you take over-the-counter painkiller medicines for one to two days.
- Make sure you know your required follow up. Please contact us if you have not received specific instructions. Our clinic will book you in for a phone appointment six weeks after your procedure to discuss your results, and six months after your procedure to make sure your dysplasia has been fully cured. Sometimes you require follow-up past six months, and we will let you know if that is needed.
Last reviewed: January 26, 2024