BC Centralized Complex Airway Clinic


2nd Floor, Providence Building, St. Paul's Hospital

This clinic is located in the St. Paul's Sinus Centre. If you need help locating us, please ask one of our hospital volunteers to direct you.

About this clinic

The BC Centralized Complex Airway Clinic (CCAC) helps patients who have problems in both their upper and lower airways (sinuses and lungs, respectively). Our clinic has physician specialists in three areas who work together to provide treatment for the patient’s whole airway:

  • Nose and sinuses (Rhinology)
  • Allergy (Immunology)
  • Lungs (Respirology)

The BC CCAC reduces wait times between specialist visits. The clinic addresses both upper and lower airway issues at the same time to provide efficient care to address your symptoms. Treatments may include:

  • Medicine
  • Surgery
  • Educational resources
  • Taking part in research to find better ways to treat patients

Clinic hours

1-2 times per month in the afternoon

Clinics are also available at Vancouver General Hospital (operated by Vancouver Coastal Health) and Burnaby Hospital (operated by Fraser Health).

How can we help?

St. Paul's Hospital Patient & Visitor Guide

What you need to know before coming to St. Paul's Hospital.

Learn more

Medical & professional referrals

BC CCAC accepts referrals from specialists especially allergists, respirologists and ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialists.

Referral Criteria:

  1. Uncontrolled chronic sinus disease with possible asthma
  2. Controlled chronic sinus disease with uncontrolled/severe asthma
  3. Asthma with uncontrolled upper airway symptoms
  4. Asthma with uncontrolled upper airway symptoms despite allergy management

News & stories

Last reviewed: November 7, 2024