BC Adult Cochlear Implant Program

Medical & professional referrals

We accept referrals from: 

  • otolaryngologists
  • family doctors
  • registered audiologists 
  • hearing instrument practitioners. 

We have described the referral process below and we have included links to all the relevant forms.

Documents for Unilateral cochlear implant referrals

  1. Referral to CI Surgeon: A referral to the CI Surgeon from a doctor is required as part of the initial referral package submission.
  2. CI Referral Document Checklist: A checklist to ensure all required documents have been included in the referral package submission.
  3. Historical audiograms: Any additional previous audiograms.
  4. Current audiogram: Including air, bone conduction pure tone testing and speech testing (word recognition scores). 
  5. Hearing Aid Check: Provides information on the state of the patient's hearing aids. To be completed by patient's hearing aid provider. 
  6. CI Questionnaire: Provides to the clinic relevant patient history. To be completed in detail by patient or by patient's support.
  7. CI Dizzy Questionnaire: Provides to the clinic information on patient's history with dizziness. To be completed by patient or by patient's support.

Documents for Sequential Bilateral cochlear implant referrals

  1. Referral to CI Surgeon: A referral to the CI Surgeon from a doctor is required as part of the initial referral package submission.
  2. CI Referral Document Checklist: A checklist to ensure all required documents have been included in the referral package submission. 
  3. Current audiogram: Including air, bone conduction pure tone testing and speech testing (word recognition scores).
  4. Historical audiograms: Any additional previous audiograms.
  5. Hearing Aid Check -Seq Bilateral: Provides information on the state of the patient's hearing aids.  To be completed by patient's hearing aid provider. 
  6. CI Questionnaire - Seq Bilateral: Provides to the clinic relevant patient history.  To be completed in detail by patient or by patient's support. 
  7. CI Dizzy Questionnaire: Provides to the clinic information on patient's history with dizziness.  To be completed by patient or by patient's support.