Adult Bleeding Disorders Program - resources

Helpful resources for patients with the Adult Bleeding Disorders Program of BC.


About Bleeding Disorders


If you have a bleeding disorder, no matter how mild, moderate or severe, you may be at risk for bleeding as a result of:

  • Any type of surgery
  • Childbirth
  • Dental work (fillings, crowns, extractions)
  • Diagnostic procedures such as:
    • Colonoscopy
    • Cystoscopy
    • Biopsies.

Be sure to notify the Adult Bleeding Disorders Program of BC/Yukon of all procedures with at least 2 weeks notice. 



Travelling with a Bleeding Disorder requires some planning. Your team can discuss aspects that are specific to you. In general, you should carry your Factor First card which outlines your diagnosis, treatment recommendations, and contact information for the clinic. If you are on the home infusion program, you will need to carry Factor with you. You are advised to keep this with you and never place in checked luggage. Your clinic can provide a travel letter to assist in taking Factor through security at airports. You may read more about travel planning and contact your clinic team if you have any questions.

Physical activity and bleeding disorders

In the Driver's Seat

This workbook was developed by members of the Canadian Physiotherapists in Hemophilia Care (CPHC) to guide adults with bleeding disorders through an organized and thoughtful approach to decision-making around physical activities.

Destination Fitness

Helping patients to develop personalized fitness plans to improve overall health.

Physical Activity Services at HealthLink BC

This website provides general physical activity information and professional guidance to residents of British Columbia to help them be more physically active and lead a healthier lifestyle.

Leisure Access Program

This program provides low-income Vancouver residents with access to basic recreation programs and services at Park Board facilities at a reduced cost.

If you have any questions about exercising please discuss with the physiotherapist during your clinic visit or email here.

Transitioning to adult care

For Online Transition Tools click here.

For more resources on transitioning to Adult Care please see the following:

Transitioning to Adult Care

Take control - Transitioning to Adult Care

Last reviewed: October 11, 2024