Visitor information

Information about visiting our sites to stay in touch with family and friends and help them rest and recover.


From getting a parking spot to finding a specific clinic, hospitals and other health care sites can be difficult places to visit and navigate. We’ve pulled together useful information to help you prepare for your visit and know what to expect in advance. That way, you can focus all your energies on visiting, comforting and helping care for your loved ones.

Visiting our hospitals

Each hospital provides support and guidance for its visitors. Learn about what to expect when you visit our hospitals:

Visiting our clinics

Find a clinic and learn about what to expect when you visit:

Visiting long-term care and assisted living

Learn about what to expect when you visit our long-term care and assisted living homes:

Visiting hospices

Learn about what to expect when you visit our hospices:

Parking at PHC sites

Search our location hub to find specific transportation, parking & wayfinding options for each of our sites.

Find a location

Travel & accommodations

If you are travelling from out of town to visit someone, here are some resources to help you travel to the location and find accommodation for an overnight stay. Please also check the individual locations  and visitor guides for more travel and accommodation resources.

Health care decision-making

You may need to help someone make a health care decision when you are visiting them in the hospital. You may also need to speak for them if they are unable to speak for themselves, or even make a hard decision about their care. Providence health care professionals will provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

Often these decisions are extremely complex and hard to make. These decisions could be around the use of life support or medical interventions (treatments) to keep someone alive. For example, you might decide if someone should use a ventilator or feeding tube. You might also have to decide if someone needs CPR, an emergency technique that can save someone’s life if they have stopped breathing or their heart has stopped beating.

Sending well wishes

If you want to send a message to a friend or family member in one of our hospitals, long-term care homes or hospices, please visit our well wishes page to find the relevant location’s information for families and visitors.

Last reviewed: March 25, 2025