Sue Dvorak
Member Vice-Chair
Providence Health Care Society

Sue Dvorak joined the Providence Health Care Society in June, 2017.
Sue comes from a background in health care, graduating from the UBC School of Rehabilitation Medicine in 1987 and working as a physiotherapist in acute care, neurological rehabilitation and geriatrics for 13 years. She has worked in acute care hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, community home care and long-term care facilities.
Sue has been involved in the Archdiocese of Vancouver in various capacities. She served on the Parish Education Committee for the elementary school of her parish, Immaculate Conception Vancouver for six years, four years as Chair. Three years ago, Sue became involved in the “Sexuality and Your Child” program of the Catholic Schools of the Vancouver Archdiocese, presenting to parents in elementary schools on the topics of faith, sexuality and human development. She has chaired the Seismic Upgrade Committee for Immaculate Conception Parish since 2015. In 2016, Sue joined the Board of Directors of Vancouver College and serves on the Education, Mission and Identity Standing Committee of the Board.
Sue manages her husband’s consulting company, coached elementary basketball for five years and has been a regular writing contributor to a local publication since 2011.
Her greatest achievement has been raising six children with her husband, Dr. Marcel Dvorak. All of their children were born at St. Paul’s Hospital.