Stacey Cave
B.A.Sc., MPT
Adult Red Cell Disorders Program & Adult Bleeding Disorders Program
St. Paul's Hospital

Stacey has been working for Providence Health Care since the fall of 2012 in a variety of areas including acute, rehab, outpatients and geriatrics. Before her current role with the Adult Bleeding and Red Blood Cell Disorder Programs, she worked with the Complex Pain Outpatient Program where she spent several years supporting patients with an assortment of multifaceted pain conditions. She graduated from the University of British Columbia’s Master of Physical Therapy program in 2012 and has returned as a Clinical Assistant Professor with the program to continue to support the MPT students in their learning process. She is a member of the Canadian Physiotherapists in Hemophilia Care (CPHC) and served as their secretary for 2022-2024.