Kate Perkins
Board member
Providence Health Care Board of Directors

Kate Perkins joined the Providence Health care Board in 2018.
Kate Perkins is the Operations Manager of the charity, WorkWithUs Foundation, whose mandate is to assist those with barriers into employment find work. She has been a strong community advocate for the past 16 years where she was President of the Board at the Trout Lake Community Centre. Through that time, Kate assisted in the championing of a new Ice Rink and Community Centre and was the recipient of the Diamond Jubilee Award for Outstanding Community Service. Most recently, she worked with her Community Centre Associations colleagues over a five-year period, to achieve a new Joint Operating Agreement with the City of Vancouver/Park Board in the fall of 2017.
Kate is a believer that connection to one's community is the strength of the fabric of our society. Joining the Providence Health Care Board is an exciting opportunity to continue to build on that belief.