Jill Kipnis

Bsc. PT

Adult Bleeding Disorders Program

St. Paul's Hospital

Jill graduated with her degree in Physiotherapy from the University of Western Ontario after completing her Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science. Jill has been an outpatient orthopedic physiotherapist at St. Paul’s Hospital for most of her career and has treated many complicated musculoskeletal conditions. She has worked in the interdisciplinary BC Foot and Ankle Clinic and in this role developed province wide physiotherapy protocols for more than 10 foot and ankle surgeries. She also currently works in the RASC (rapid access shoulder clinic) where she triages patients for orthopedic shoulder surgeons. In addition to her public practice work, Jill has a private practice focusing on home visits for women post mastectomy and breast reconstructive surgery.  As well, Jill is a clinical instructor of orthopedic courses in the Master of Physical Therapy program at UBC.

Outside of work, Jill leads a fit and active lifestyle. She enjoys yoga, resistance training, hiking, travel and hanging with her family. 

Jill works two days per week with our Adult Bleeding Disorders Program in conjunction with her other caseload in outpatient orthopedics and she can be reached through our main office phone number to schedule an appointment.