Mission FAQ
Learn more about Providence Health Care’s Mission and Governance.

The founding mission of Catholic hospitals is built on the Gospel stories of healing and the parables that teach dignity, hope, trust and conversion as well as the stories of religious women in action throughout history who have ministered to the poor, the sick and vulnerable.
Mission is critical to the lived identity and effective work of Providence Health Care and employees are invited to embrace a deep empathy for the founding stories and to hear them in their distinct organizational cultures. These are the narratives of immensely dedicated and hard-working women like the the five orders of Catholic nuns who created the following centres of care that eventually formed Providence Health Care:
- St. Paul’s Hospital (Sisters of Charity of Providence)
- Holy Family Hospital (Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul)
- The CHARA Health Care Society:
- Mount Saint Joseph Hospital (Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception)
- St. Vincent’s Hospital (Sisters of Charity of Mount St. Vincent)
- Youville Residence (Grey Sisters of the Immaculate Conception)
Frequently asked questions about Providence Health Care’s Mission & Governance
Last reviewed: January 28, 2025