The Daily Scan
The Daily Scan is your window into the people and stories at Providence Health Care. Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest issues.

The Daily Scan is the go-to place to read stories from every corner of Providence Health Care.
On the site, you'll learn about Providence staff, clinicians, researchers, volunteers, and patients and residents. You'll learn about remarkable life-saving medical efforts, important research and personal stories from patients.
Since its launch in 2018, our writers have published hundreds of Daily Scan stories.
Providence Health Care encourages reporters to get in touch if they want to learn more about stories they read.
We publish stories about:
- Something innovative
- Something dramatic
- Something current
We have written Daily Scan stories on some of our renowned sites and programs like:
- our world-famous Crosstown Clinic,
- the provincially renowned Mount Saint Joseph Breast Centre,
- the Indigenous Health and Wellness team
- the new St. Paul's Hospital
Sometimes news stories inspired by Daily Scan pieces yield powerful, direct results.
This cardiac-arrest case inspired one reader to donate $1 million to the St. Paul's Foundation after they saw coverage in the Vancouver Sun.
We publish all Daily Scan stories on Providence Health Care's social media accounts.
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