Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI)

At Providence Health Care, we're shaping a future of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Discover our journey.

Together for a More Equitable Future

At Providence, we recognise that we live in a society that continues to have systemic barriers, biases and inequities that marginalize and disenfranchise many individuals and communities. This is why, with the endorsement of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and in partnership with the Medical Staff Association (MSA) and the Indigenous Wellness and Reconciliation (IWR) Team, the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Team (EDI) Lead role was initiated in fall 2020 to develop a Providence EDI strategy with focussed actions. 

The goal of the EDI strategy is to support Providence on its path towards addressing the systemic inequities that continue to pervade our society today as well as our organization, and support our staff and medical staff on their individual journeys toward equity, diversity and inclusion.​

Each section on these pages are designed to orient you with the EDI Working Plan, as well as provide useful resources on antiracism action and inclusion efforts. ​

Our four asp​irations

EDI at Providence is guided by four aspirations. From the people we hire to our efforts in the community, it’s critical to ensure our work is undertaken in a way that is inclusive of all involved.  ​​

It's our responsibility now as people who have privilege and have the ability to change things to start rebuilding this new post-pandemic world… one of the things we can do is address those structures of inequity, power, racism + colonialism

Fiona Dalton, CEO, Providence Health Care


At Providence we define equity, diversity and inclusion in the following ways:


Do you have a question about equity, diversity & inclusion at Providence Health Care? Contact the EDI team at edi@providencehealth.bc.ca

Last reviewed: January 29, 2025