Thrombosis Clinic

Preparing for your visit

You have likely been referred to the Thrombosis Clinic because:

  • You were diagnosed with acute deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism in the Emergency Department - in this case, you will be referred to the Thrombosis Clinic within 72 hours.
  • Your doctor referred you for ongoing management of blood clotting issues.
  • You are scheduled for surgery and have blood clotting issues.

Once we receive your doctor’s referral, we will call you to book an appointment. When we call you, we will need your name, contact information, and BC Services Card number.

Getting ready

To get the most out of your appointment and to have a smooth experience, here are some tips for planning your visit.

  • If you do not speak English and require an interpreter (at no cost to you), please let us know in advance.
  • If you need a sign language interpreter (at no cost to you), please let us know in advance.
  • Please note or think about any changes in your condition since your last visit.
  • All of Providence Health Care’s hospitals and residences are scent-free environments. Please do not wear scented products.

Transportation & parking

Remember to allow time (approximately 30 minutes) before your appointment to get from your car or transit to the clinic area. If you are new to the clinic and need directions when you arrive at St. Paul’s Hospital, ask a volunteer or reception for directions to our front door. Please remember the name of the clinic to get the best assistance.

Learn more

Last reviewed: September 25, 2024